One strength of SMT is its thorough knowledge of automotive development, distribution, and mobility.

We have a large number of experts within the company and the group itself that have expertise in the technologies that are currently being sought after.

We also make cutting-edge proposals and implement projects

We do so by understanding customer issues, making optimal engineering service provider proposals, supporting technical strategies, introducing new development processes, and proposing high-value-added solutions that combine product hardware modules and software development.


OUR Vision

We firmly believe in our skills and in our products, and because of this, we look forward to a world in which our technologies become an integral part of every automobile on the road.


What we believe

Creating benefits for our customers is our compass. We are fully committed to listening to and supporting our clients. We believe that developing new technologies and systems should offer more than just service and assistance. This means that we identify essential issues from the very beginning and focus on them throughout the process to provide you with the best solutions possible. So not only are our projects more time-efficient, but we are also able to act more proactively and flexibly – tailored to your needs.

Trust is the basis of all our actions – for us, without trust, there can be no constructive and progressive cooperation. To develop trust, we always keep an open ear and are driven by honest communication at eye level. We listen attentively and speak openly and honestly – and deliver on our promises. This applies to everyone: Our customers, our colleagues, and our business partners. Our work and communication are transparent and accessible so that everyone receives the most relevant information for making the best decisions.